
As a major actor in the aerospace and defence sector, Nexteam Group aims to create conditions of sustainable growth and bring its fellow workers together around its high-performance social model.

Our RH policy

We are convinced that the success of the business rests in its ability to attract new talents, integrate them, make them loyal and develop their long-term employment prospects. For this reason, our human resources strategy is centred on a small number of strong principles: increased levels of competency for everyone, internal mobility, listening to everyone’s plans, and fair pay with incentive to progress.

Accompanying professional developement

The diversity of our activities and our wide range of jobs offers many opportunities for progress. Throughout their careers, whatever their level of responsibility, every employee can develop their skills and build their own professional path.

Training, development and skills transfer

Initial and ongoing training is the subject of a global process available to employees and is at the centre of the company’s performance in order to anticipate and accompany the job development process. Once recruited, every employee follows a personalised integration process adapted to suit their profile, the range of jobs available and the specific nature of their activities. On the basis of a professional needs assessment, each employee combines transfer of know-how with internal expertise through tutorial sessions and practical and theoretical training in the workplace, provided by an outside training organisation.

recruitments in 2017
hours of training

My ideal job

Do you have precise search criteria ? Do you want to join a specific Nexteam Group organisation or establishment ? Do you want a Permanent Contract, a training course or even a freelance position ? Select the filters of your choice and discover your ideal job within our group, one that will meet all of your hopes and satisfy all your wishes.


Politique RH de Nexteam Group


Job offers

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