Strategic vision

The nearby location of the major order issuers allows Nexteam to meet their problems with a maximum of reactivity. In a sector in which standards are becoming ever more demanding, the group is dedicating all its energy to improving its industrial performance, with the aim of continually providing excellence and quality of service.

Nexteam’s particular aim, through its ambitious investment and human resources policy, is to provide the most innovative means of production possible. It is deeply committed to obtaining Industry 4.0 and producing new models of digitisation, robotisation and 3D stamping.



Now with half a century of history, Nexteam is the direct partner of principal order issuers in the aerospace sector. The Group was the fruit of the 2013 merger of four family businesses wishing to bring their complementary skills together under one roof.



Nexteam daily applies the fundamental values that unite all its employees and come together to provide the foundation of its business culture: service, requirement, solidarity and goodwill.



Nexteam sees its activity in the wider context of responsibility to society, being in favour of sustained growth against a background of dialogue with employees and partners, with respect for the environment.

Our establishments

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