Material management and storage

In order to control its production costs and optimize its processes throughout the supply chain, Nexteam has invested in a plant specialising in transformation of raw materials specific to the field of aerospace (stainless steel, titanium, Inconel and lithium) equipped with water-jet cutting equipment and thoroughly up-to-date manual and automatic saws.

Thanks to these very modern and efficient production machines, the Group manufactures semi-finished products in Launaguet for its various production sites (block-form, cast, extruded, forged) and provides its clients with storage, cutting and logistics services for raw material, in a dedicated 2,500m² building.

The combination and 5 axes cutting of flows as well as the speed of implementation are real assets for NEXTEAM. With an average of 600 tonnes transformed per year of initial capacity, they guarantee a better level of client service.

0 m2
master warehouse
tonnes of titanium consumed each year
casts per year initial capacity



Quality and certification

Since the beginning, Nexteam has made client satisfaction and optimum response to client requirements its number one priority.



Nexteam offers a business model strongly geared towards innovation and R&D.

Our establishments

They trust in us

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