Quality and certifications

From the outset, NEXTEAM has made customer satisfaction and the best possible response to their requirements a priority commitment, shared by all its business units. With this in mind, the implementation of a quality approach within subsidiaries and at Group level enables us to meet the main standards and norms of the aerospace and defense sector.

NEXTEAM holds all the approvals and certifications required to support its customers in their various projects, in terms of both system and product quality. A range of latest-generation equipment provides high-precision production control: three-dimensional control, connected systems and laser.



With half a century of history behind it, Nexteam is the direct partner of major aeronautics contractors. The group was born of the merger in 2013 of 4 family-owned companies eager to combine their complementary skills.



Nexteam's activities are part of a socially responsible approach that promotes sustainable growth, dialogue with its employees and stakeholders, and respect for the environment.


Strategic vision

A major player in the world of aeronautics, Nexteam implements a development strategy focused on service and performance to support its customers as closely as possible to their needs.

Our certifications

ISO 9001
ISO 9001

All of the group's sites are certified ISO 9001, the international reference standard for quality management.

They trust us

Our locations

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