Quality and certification

Since the beginning, NEXTEAM GROUP has made client satisfaction and optimum response to their requirements its number one priority, a sentiment shared by all its departments. In this perspective, application of a quality process both within the subsidiaries and at group level helps it satisfy the principal standards and norms of the aerospace and defence sectors.

Nexteam Group therefore holds all the certificates and authorisations that allow it to accompany its clients in their different projects, in terms of both system quality and product quality. Several items of latest-generation equipment provide high-precision control of production processes, including connected three-dimensional control systems and laser.

Our certificates

Nos certifications

ISO 9001
ISO 9001

All of the group's sites are certified ISO 9001, the international reference standard for quality management.



Now with half a century of history, Nexteam Group is the direct partner of principal order issuers in the aerospace sector. The Group was the fruit of the 2013 merger of four family businesses wishing to bring their complementary skills together under one roof.



Nexteam Group sees its activity in the wider context of responsibility to society, being in favour of sustained growth against a background of dialogue with employees and partners, with respect for the environment.

Nexteam Group, les valeurs, aéronautique


Nexteam Group daily applies the fundamental values that unite all its employees and come together to provide the foundation of its business culture: service, requirement, solidarity and goodwill.


Strategic vision

Nexteam Group, a major actor in the field of aerospace, applies a development strategy centred on service and performance to work with its clients and thus meet their requirements as comprehensively as possible.



Nexteam Group offers a business model strongly geared towards innovation and R&D.



As a major actor in the aerospace and defence sector, Nexteam Group aims to create conditions of sustainable growth and to bring together everyone working with it around its high-efficiency corporate model.

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