AOG / Speedshop

AOG SPEEDSHOP meets the needs for the production of mechanical parts in an emergency response, in a very short time and with the Nexteam Group’s quality guarantee. The typical case concerns the production of parts which would unlock production chain stops, unlock les FAL  (Final Assembly Line) or airlines companies and so, prevent from a late delivery of aircraft or an aircraft blocked on ground.

AOG team is located in GENTILIN in Launaguet (31), in the north of Toulouse and is available 24/24 – 7d/7d :

AOG Phone : +33 (0)6 16 43 64 50

AOG Mail :

We realize these urgent cases with benefits over all our competences (from conception to assembly through machining 3, 4 et 5 axes, non-destructive control, surface treatments, …) and we drive also suppliance when it is needed. We have a store, raw material stock and machining means exclusively dedicated to this activity.

Versatile and utra-reactive AOG team is organized to stand by and support customers, to ensure quality service by controlling the process from the beginning to the end, from the cases analysis to the control and parts expedition.

0 h
Dedicated machines
Dedicated team

Dedicated team


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