The Steadiest project: technological challenges

April 2021 – The Steadiest project was born from an issue raised by the industrialist Leonardo and aims to develop an entire mechanical power transmission chain for a convertible type device: a tilting rotor or tilt helicopter rotor. NEXTEAM GROUP is committed to this project with the desire to advance technology in aeronautics and develop dynamic assembly design and manufacturing. Here are some detailed points of this project.

The perimeter and its stakes
The referred aircraft is going through the pre-project phases, which implies relatively advanced maturities, TRL=6. Indeed, the research and innovation objectives set by the consortium and by the European Commission are a challenge with regard to the industrial results expected in the short/medium term by the aircraft manufacturer.All stakeholders evaluate several technological concepts in order to achieve the best performance without any calendar consequences on the certification of the aircraft.

Answer to issues and controlling risks
– Understand the operation of a convertible, that is specific in the aircraft environment

– Combine the large lengths involved with a gain in weight and comfort, theoretically antagonistic

– Find trade-offs that allow interesting technological opportunities without major impacts on the aircraft design.

– Develop several low maturity level systems, TRL <6 and characterise them to allow their justification/integration on the aircraft.

– Develop the final architecture to launch the manufacture of prototypes

– Combine the knowledge/experience/methods of different partners to collaborate efficiently.

– Disseminate as much as possible the scientific advances to enrich the community and respect the stakes of a European project.

A short term project

STEADIEST goals and industrial perspectives
– Develop and validate qualification prototypes

– Deliver a 10 meter transmission with EASA certificate for flight testing

– Reinforce NEXTEAM Group’s position as an equipment manufacturer and extend the skills acquired during this project to various products.

This project  has  received  funding  from  CleanSky2 under Grant Agreement number: 831948-H2020-CS2-CFP08-2018-01.

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