
Nexteam integrates structural, mechanical and hydraulic substructures in order to provide its clients with finished products ready to be assembled on the devices. These include, for example, cockpit, fuselage, air foil, landing pylon and compartments.

The different assembly units are all equipped with benches designed for carrying out mechanical and electrical tests on assembled products. This activity involves high-performance processes and know-how such as special processes subject to client certification or assembly of sensitive products. In order to maintain excellence and quality of production, Nexteam has a grey room. This room guarantees that the hydraulic assemblies are put together in a healthy and carefully controlled environment with specific installations for mechanical products.

0 Mechanical
0 Hydraulic
Client certifications

Quality and certification

Nexteam makes client satisfaction and the best possible response to clients requirements a priority undertaking.



Nexteam offers a business model strongly geared towards innovation and R&D.

Our establishments

They trust in us

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