Machining activities are the historical heart of Nexteam and are concentrated within the “MACHINING” division which has 14 factories. The Group is a key expert in the machining of mechanical parts of all sizes in hard metals (steel, titanium, inconel) but also in light alloys (aluminum). It is positioned on almost all aeronautical needs, with products such as engine parts, structural parts, hydraulic assemblies, landing gear components, door opening mechanisms, access or evacuation doors, dynamic assemblies, etc.

Nexteam has invested in state-of-the-art production resources, including multi-axis numerical control machines and robotic lines that allow it to implement innovative techniques, resolutely geared towards the machining concept of the future.

This optimization of production and the know-how of the teams make it possible to achieve high-performance productivity and competitiveness.

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0 h
of production
machining spindles
0 m2
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