
Resulting from “Manufacturing Engineering” aiming at production performance, our Design Offices have gradually developed and now offer you design and innovation.

From engineering services (studies, calculations, co-engineering, reverse engineering, design to cost, weight saving …) to complete services (supply of equipment on specifications), including studies, prototyping & qualification services, NEXTEAM supports the development and management of projects.

With 60 professionals at the Methods and 50 experts at the Design Office, our missions are :

  • R&D: Support in research and innovation
  • Study & Development : Design your parts and subassemblies
  • Production : Optimize your production

These engineering capabilities complement the NEXTEAM’s historic mission : to optimize the price of parts in off-plan manufacturing. All this constitutes a coherent and robust offering that allows NEXTEAM to meet your new challenges !

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0 m2
assembly hall, zone and test equipment



Quality and certification

Nexteam makes client satisfaction and the best possible response to clients' requirements a priority undertaking.



Nexteam offers a business model strongly geared towards innovation and R&D.

Our establishments

They trust in us

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